How to Add Dropdown Menu in Flutter

Drop down menus are very useful ui components when you want a single input from multiple options. In this blog post, let’s check how to add a simple drop down menu in flutter.

DropdownButton class of flutter can be used to create a dropdown widget in flutter. It has important attributes such as value, items, onChanged etc. As the selected value needs to be changed everytime user picks an option, we must use a stateful widget here.

If you are looking for radio buttons, then you can checkout my blog post on adding radio buttons in flutter.

You can create a simple dropdown as given below.

              value: selectedValue,
              items: [
                  child: Text("Male"),
                  value: 1,
                  child: Text("Female"),
                  value: 2,
              onChanged: (value) {
                setState(() {
                  selectedValue = value;

Following is the complete example flutter dropdown menu.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(App());

class App extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Drop Down Menu Example',
      home: DropDownExample(),

class DropDownExample extends StatefulWidget {
  DropDownExample({Key key}) : super(key: key);
  _DropDownExampleState createState() => _DropDownExampleState();

class _DropDownExampleState extends State<DropDownExample> {

  int selectedValue = 1;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
       child: Padding(
         padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
           child: DropdownButton(
              value: selectedValue,
              items: [
                  child: Text("Male"),
                  value: 1,
                  child: Text("Female"),
                  value: 2,
                  child: Text("Others"),
                  value: 3
              onChanged: (value) {
                setState(() {
                  selectedValue = value;

Following is the output of the example.

As I said earlier this is a simple drop-down menu. If you want to know more then go through the official documentation of DropdownButton widget.

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