How to change Floating Action Button Splash Color in Flutter

The Floating Action Button (FAB) is one of the important components in material design. When the FAB is pressed A splash effect can be seen. In this blog post, let’s discuss how to change the Floating Action Button splash color in Flutter. The FloatingActionButton widget has various properties to customize it. Using its splashColor property…

How to create OutlinedButton with Icon and Text in Flutter

The importance of buttons in mobile app design doesn’t need any explanation. The OutlinedButton is one of the newest buttons in Flutter. In this blog post, let’s learn how to add OutlinedButton with an icon and text in Flutter. In order to show icon and text you should make use of the OutlinedButton.icon constructor. The…

How to change OutlinedButton Text Color in Flutter

Buttons are one of the most important UI components in mobile app design. Hence, choosing the right colors for buttons is necessary. In this short Flutter tutorial, let’s learn how to change the OutlinedButton text color. The OutlinedButton.styleFrom has various properties to change the style. The backgroundColor property changes the background color whereas the foregroundColor…

How to change OutlinedButton Background Color in Flutter

OutlinedButton is one of the important widgets in Flutter. As an important UI element, the buttons should have visually appealing colors. In this blog post, let’s learn how to change the OutlinedButton background color in Flutter. You can customize the OutlinedButton style using OutlinedButton.styleFrom method. You just need to utilize the property backgroundColor. See the…

How to change OutlinedButton Border Radius in Flutter

Rounded corners always make UI elements elegant. Tweaking border radius helps to create rounded corners. In this blog post, let’s learn how to change the OutlinedButton border radius in Flutter. The OutlinedButton.styleFrom method helps to customize the style of the OutlinedButton. Using the shape property and the RoundedRectangleBorder class you can easily change border radius…

How to change OutlinedButton Border Color in Flutter

OutlinedButton is one of the regularly used button widgets in Flutter. In this blog post, how to change the border color of Outlined Button in Flutter. Adding an OutlinedButton is easy. You can customize the style of the button using the OutlinedButton.styleFrom method. You can use its side property and the BorderSide class to change…

How to change IconButton Splash Color in Flutter

The IconButton is one of the most used button widgets in Flutter. A splash effect occurs when the IconButton is pressed. In this blog post, let’s learn how to change the splash color of the IconButton in Flutter. The IconButton has many properties for customization. One among them is splashColor. You can use the splashColor…